No Income Guarantees

Income Disclosure

At DFY Digital Product Market, transparency and honesty are core values we uphold. We believe in providing valuable digital products and resources to empower your journey in the digital world. We believe that selling a Digital Product and Digital Products with Master Resell Rights can be a viable source of income for many people, but we cannot guarantee any specific level of income or success.  It is essential to clarify and emphasize that there are no guarantees of income or success associated with the use or resale of our products.

Individual Results May Vary

We acknowledge the distinct goals, skills, and circumstances of each user. Consequently, individual results may significantly differ. While some users may achieve substantial success, others may face challenges or achieve more modest outcomes. It is crucial to understand that your efforts, chosen strategies, and the prevailing market conditions all contribute significantly to determining your unique results.

Factors Influencing Results

Achieving success with our products involves navigating various factors that contribute to your outcomes. These factors, among others, include:

  • Effort and Commitment: The level of effort, dedication, and time you invest in your digital business or projects can significantly impact your results.
  • Market Dynamics: Market conditions, competition, and consumer demand can vary across industries and niches, influencing your ability to generate income.
  • Skill and Expertise: Your level of expertise, skills, and knowledge in your chosen field play a crucial role in determining your success.
  • Business Strategies: The strategies you implement, encompassing marketing, sales, and customer service, can profoundly affect your business's overall performance.

Examples of Earnings

We  provide examples of earnings or income that can be generated through the sale of the Products. These examples are for illustrative purposes only and are not guarantees or representations of actual earnings or income that can be generated through the sale of the Product. The individual's earnings or income will vary based on their efforts, market demand for the Product, and other economic and business factors.


Potential Risks Involved

The sale of the Product involves inherent risks and uncertainties, including but not limited to, changes in market demand, economic factors, competition, and changes in regulations or laws. The Seller is not responsible for any losses or damages incurred by the individual in the sale of the Product.


No Guaranteed Income

It is important to reiterate that we do not guarantee any specific income level, financial success, or business performance as a result of using or reselling our products. The individual's earnings or income will depend on their efforts, market demand for the Product, and other economic and business factors.


Your Responsibility

As a user of our products, it is your responsibility to exercise diligence, commitment, and creativity in your endeavors. We provide tools, resources, and support to assist you on your digital journey, but the ultimate results depend on your actions and decisions.

Consultation and Professional Advice

If you have any questions or concerns about the potential income, financial implications, or success associated with using or reselling our products, we encourage you to consult with relevant professionals, such as financial advisors, legal experts, or business consultants. They can provide you with tailored advice and guidance based on your specific situation.


Additional Information

Individuals considering the purchase of the Product should do their own research and due diligence to determine the potential income or earnings that can be generated through the sale of the Products. We encourage individuals to seek professional advice before making any investment or business decision. By purchasing or using the Products, you acknowledge that you have read this Income Disclosure Statement, understand it, and agree to its terms and conditions. At DFY Digital Product Market we reserve the right to amend this Income Disclosure Statement at any time without prior notice.

I'm here to support your digital journey, but it's important to approach it with realistic expectations and a proactive attitude. 

If you have any questions or need further clarification about our policies, please feel free to contact me at I'm here to help and ensure you have all the information you need for a successful digital experience at (Done-For-You) DFY Digital Product Market.